A credit card consolidation loan is a personal loan that specifically targets credit card debt. Your Epic loan pays off the big balances on all your credit cards – and replaces interest rates as high as 25% with one rate as low as 5%.
All you need is a Social Security number, a physical address where you live, an email address where we can contact you, and a source of income. You also need to be at least 18 years old. That’s it.
You receive a FREE in-depth debt analysis from one of our specialists, who will help you find the perfect debt consolidation loan, with terms and rates personalized for you.
No, it doesn’t. Epic’s experts can study your situation and design a no-obligation solution without affecting your credit score.
We work with Americans of all credit scores. That said, the higher your credit score, the lower your interest rate. If your credit score is below average or even poor, we still have proven programs to help you.
You get the money you need in as little as 48 hours. You don’t need collateral, but you still get a low interest rate. You make one easy payment, so you no longer get hit with late fees for forgetting one of your many credit card bills.
A pers credit card consolidation loan can hurt your credit score. And even though the interest rate is lower, you’re still in debt. So you really haven’t solved your problem. But Epic can help you there, too. After your free debt analysis, you might find you’re better off in a program that keeps the interest rate low while not hurting your credit score. You won’t know if you qualify until you call Epic.
Your monthly payment is determined by many factors – everything from the total loan amount to your credit score. That’s why our experts give you a free, in-depth debt analysis when you call. Within minutes, you’ll know exactly where you stand – and what all your options are.
No. Unlike a mortgage or car loan, you just make monthly payments. That’s one of the benefits of an unsecured loan.